Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeBirdsHow to teach your parrot to talk

How to teach your parrot to talk

In this article we understand by parrot any domestic species that belongs to the order of the parrots . Among the most common we find parakeets, nymphs, parrots, Amazon parrots, yacos, rainbow parrots, cockatoos, etc. Not all these species have the same ability or facility to learn words, there are even individual variations within the same species. In all cases, males are better talkers than females , since naturally their singing and vocalization capacity is greater. The bird must be in perfect health and if it is also young it will be much easier to teach it.
The first thing you should do is earn the bird’s trust , offer it a medium enriched with toys and entertaining activities, and make it love you and want to communicate with you. For this you must have a lot of patience and perseverance and dedicate some time to training every day . Some birds will start talking quickly, and others will take months or years despite your best efforts.
The best time of day for lessons is in the morning or in the evening. When you teach him a word, he seeks to associate it with an action that explains its meaning . For example, repeat “I love you” while you caress his neck, “kisses” while you kiss him, “how delicious” when you give him a treat , “good morning” when you remove the cover from the cage, and so on. You must repeat these lessons daily, always in the same way and without losing patience. Thus the bird will also learn how it can use words to communicate its moods or its needs. It is very important that when he begins to say his first words you go to fulfill his request to complete the learning.
If you see that your pet has an ability to learn words, you can start teaching him more difficult things, such as the names of his favorite treats . It will also be very useful to teach him to “get on” to climb on your hand or “to sleep” to return to his cage if you have let him loose. If he learns these commands, it will make the task of his daily care easier, even if he does not repeat them.
We have already said that some parrots are slower or never learn to speak . However, all of them manage to imitate some sound. It is very common that if you pay attention to their chattering you discover some familiar noises, such as the call of your cell phone, the doorbell or the telephone, the microwave beep, the song of other birds or even the name and some order given to the dog. If you find that your parrot takes a long time to learn words, you can be more successful by teaching him a whistled melody.
Whatever the outcome, rest assured that the time you spend with your parrot will be rewarded with a lovable pet and great company. If you pay enough attention, you will learn to understand his body language and he will find a way to communicate with you, just as a dog does that does not have the ability to speak.



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